Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Magic of Vinegar: 1000+ Uses

I've mentioned the amazing versatility of vinegar before. Today I'm going to share some of the vinegar tips that seemed interesting and give you some links to even more tips on this surprisingly useful household item.

Here are just a few of the tips:

  • Kill weeds and grass growing in unwanted places by pouring full-strength white distilled vinegar on them. This works especially well in crevices and cracks of walkways and driveways.
  • Prevent lint from clinging to clothes by adding 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the wash cycle.
  • Lighten body freckles (not facial freckles) by rubbing on full-strength white distilled vinegar.
  • Create an all-purpose window cleaner with a few ounces of white distilled vinegar in a quart of water.
  • Kill fleas by adding a little white distilled vinegar to your dog or cat’s drinking water.
  • Clean under arm stains - Soak stained shirts in vinegar for a few minutes and wash. (Thanks Cece!)

Here are some good sites where I found these tips. There are plenty more where these came from.
Now I need to go out and buy a big jug of vinegar! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! I did not know that vinegar could be used for all of those different things. Being a heavily freckled individual myself, I will have to try to use the vinegar trick to lighten some of them. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

personally, i think the grass killing trick could save a lot of people money on roundup!!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea vinegar would kill fleas! i can't wait to give that one a test on my dogs!

Anonymous said...

i had no idea about some of these uses. i have a stone walkway that always seems to have weeds coming through no matter how many times i weed it. this solution is way less expensive than say, roundup, or some of the other products out there. also, always lookin for ways to keep the pesky buggers off my puppy!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think vinegar would be that useful for things other than salads! I think I'll give a few of these a try. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is really cool! I didn't' realize Vinegar could be used for so many different things! I am going to try some of them right away! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It also will get the deorderant stains out of your shirts. Just soak them for a couple minutes and throw them in with the rest of the wash. And about the fleas, I'm gonna try that, because frontline is pricey!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for this list! I'm also going to check out those websites you've listed, i love finding out other ways to use common household items!

Anonymous said...

I've actually had freckles all over my arms for the longest time and had no idea how to get rid of them. I'm going to try the vinegar on it idea, I would never think to use it! Thanks so much!

IF Blogger said...

@apematt and danni,

Please let me know if the freckle tip works for you, I'm really curious about that one!


Thanks for the tip about deodorant stains, I'm going to add it to my list!

Anonymous said...

I'd heard some of those before, but not the freckle tip. If that really works, it kinda concerns me. If the vinegar will actually lighten the freckles, it is really something you should be putting on your skin?

Anonymous said...

Very informative. I think maybe I'll try and get hold of some white distilled vinegar and try some of those out, or even experiment and find some more things it can do!

Anonymous said...

I like to garden quite alot, and I had no idea vinger could kill weeds! We have a major problem with weeds, and we choose not to buy weed killers because of all the chemicals. Thank you very much for the information!

Unknown said...

I've heard that vinegar is also a good ant repellent, and it won't hard the environment or your family like other treatments.